
映画字幕で英語学習!『When Harry Met Sally』(恋人たちの予感)


この映画は、いわゆる「ラブコメ」の元祖ともいえる記念碑的な作品です。英語では、ラブコメとはいわず、Rom-Comといいます。Romantic Comedyの略語ですね。1989年に公開されたアメリカ映画です。ノーラ・エフロン脚本、ロブ・ライナー監督作品。ノーラ・エフロンといえば、のちに、同じくめぐ・ライアンの主演した『めぐり逢えたら』や『ユー・ガット・メール』も手がけています。また、ロブ・ライナー監督は、名作『スタンド・バイ・ミー』を制作した方です。




I have it all figured out. ぜんぶ計算してみたの。

"I have it all figured out. It's an 18 - hour trip which breaks down into six shifts or three hours each."


come on to someone  くどく

Sally: You are going with her.
Harry: So?
Sally: So you're coming on to me.


make a pass at someone  (女性に)交際を迫る、くどく


He made a pass at me, and when I said no., I said I could just be friends.  He was going with a girlfriend of mine...  Oh, God, i can't remember her name.


on account of something  ...のせいで、が原因で


Harry: One day she would kick the shit out of me.
Friend: Marriages don't break up on account of infidelity.  It's just a symptom that something else is wrong.


He's obnoxious.  いやな奴よ。


Friend: He's cute.
Sally: You think he's cute?
Friend: How do you know he's married?
Sally: 'Cause last time I saw him he was getting married.
Friend: When was that?
Sally: Six years ago.
Friend: So, he might not be married anymore.
Also, he's obnoxious.

statute of limitations  (法律的な)時効
under the wire   かろうじて間に合った

Harry: You're much softer now.
Sally: You know , I hate that kind of remark. It sounds like a compliment, but really it's an insult.
Harry: Okay, you're still as hard as nails.
Sally: I just didn't want to sleep with you, and you had to write it off as a character flaw instead of dealing with the possibility that it might have something to do with you.
Harry: What's the statute of limitations on apologies?
Sally: Ten years.
Harry: Ooh, I can just get it in under the wire.



consolation prize  残念賞、競争に敗れた人に与える贈り物


Harry: What are you doing for New Year's ?  'Cause I don't have a date.  And if you don't have a date we always said that if neither one of us had a date we could be together for New Year's, you know....
Sally: I can't do this anymore. I'm not your consolation prize.  Goodbye.

