最新ニュース英語 コロナ

Generous financial aid and telework accelerate migration out of Tokyo sparked by COVID (The Mainichi)

The migration figures, based on Basic Resident Registers, made clear that the trend toward excess concentration of people and industries in Tokyo is slowing to a crawl. The Mainichi Shimbun spoke to a few people who decided to move away from the greater Tokyo area.

A 31-year-old web engineer moved from Kanagawa Prefecture south of Tokyo to Saku, Nagano Prefecture, central Japan, in 2021. He says that as a freelance programmer, living away from Tokyo has caused him no problems getting work from companies. "When my work went full-on remote due to the coronavirus pandemic, I realized there was no need for me to keep living in the Tokyo metropolitan area, where rent is expensive." The Saku Municipal Government distributes grants to people who migrate there to work remotely, among others. The man received about 150,000 yen (approx. $1,300), which he used to pay for furniture and other items.

"The generous support also factored into my decision to move here. It lowered the bar for me," he recalled.
(Jan 31, 2022  The Mainichi)





Basic Resident Registers 住民基本台帳


-最新ニュース英語, コロナ
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